Training Programs

Now more than ever, properly trained supervisors, that are prepared and confident, can be a powerful tool for improving employee performance and union avoidance. Our practical instructional programs create more effective supervisors, greater operating efficiency, and build company loyalty. These programs are customized to improve communication, strengthen leadership skills, and promote a positive work environment.

Maintaining a Union-Free Work Environment

Summary: Instruction to managers and supervisors on how to maintain a union-free work environment. Understand the different reasons why employees seek out unions, and learn how to identify early warning signs of potential union interest using a “Manager/Supervisor Watch List” . Understand the dangers of union authorization card signing, and the need for early communication to preempt employee card signing. Seminar also gives highlights of the NLRB election process, and the dangers of collective bargaining

The Role of a Supervisor

Summary: Instruction to managers and supervisors on the best methods to manage their employees. Learn the most effective ways to communicate with your employees. Program outlines ways to create a positive work environment so employees remain loyal to the company and perform to the best of their ability. Explore the different management styles and identify areas for individual self-improvement. Understand why favoritism exists in the workplace and the consequences. Learn the most effective “Supervisor Model”, the qualities of an ideal leader, and why effective communication is important.

Factories Act, Factory : Registration and obtaining Factory Licence from the Department. Maintenance and submission of the statutory Records / Returns under Factories act, 1948.
Labour Welfare Fund : Maintenance of statutory records and deposit of contribution under Delhi/Haryana Labour Welfare Fund Rules
EPF & MP Act : We have adequate proficiency in maintenance & submission of following Statutory Records/Returns etc. under ESI Act
ESI : We have adequate proficiency in maintenance & submission of following Statutory Records/Returns etc. under ESI Act
Traning Programs : We have adequate proficiency in maintenance & submission of Statutory Records / Returns etc.
Bonus Act : Keeping the employer abreast with the amendments, if any to the Act
Payroll Processing : Recieving data from company, processing the same at our fully computerized payroll package and generating payroll register.
Union Avoidance  : :Today most companies prefer to maintain a union-free work environment.
Organizational Assessments :Industrial Relations Consultant's Organizational Assessment (OA) is dOrganizational Assessmentsgned to reveal employee perceptions, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses.